This is my webpage, Stumble Story Inn.
It’s been a website for about 10 years now.
The original idea was that I wanted a place to put the creative things that I wanted to show people, but I hated the idea that every person was eventually going to be moving to one social media site or another: it just didn’t seem right that social media would become the repository of creative works in the world. So I decided that, while social media has it’s uses, instead I’m going to create a repository of my things on a website.
I knew that I was techy enough to make a website, and I thought I was going to be consistent enough to keep it ‘fresh’.
What I underestimated about the whole idea of maintaining a website is that life often gets in the way, and my life was about to get a whole lot more complex – less than two weeks after I properly got this website going, my wife and I found out that we were going to have our first child.
– I tried to ‘roll with the punches’, but frankly there was no chance that I was going to be able to keep it up.
– I tried to do several podcasts, with limited success.
– I tried to do consistent writing, similarly limited success.
– I tried several things, and while they were all good for me and I’m not sad I tried them, ultimately none of them actually ended up working, long-term.
Eventually I was diagnosed with ADHD, and suddenly everything began to make sense.
I started to give myself the room to not constantly worry about what I should be doing with this website, and it fell to the side more so than before. This was expected, and being medicated made it so that I wasn’t stressed out about it.
This was true for…maybe 2 years or so.
At this point, I am re-tooling the site into a place where I can be:
– Displaying the Things I Want to Sell
– Talking about the Things I’m Doing
– Generally just kind of Doing Stuff Publicly
I should probably take this “home page” and turn it into a post, instead…